A huge number of Women and Girls in island areas did not attain a primary level of education, partly due to lack of school fees while others got pregnant along the way and had to drop out of school before completing primary education. This renders them incapable of competing for decent employment and other life chances. Activities under this program include tailoring, hairdressing, liquid and bar soap manufacturing, entrepreneurship (business initiation and management). Through this program, we also avail basic literacy and numeracy to the beneficiaries with the view of improving their communication skills, by equipping them with the knowledge and resources needed to plan and manage their business enterprises efficiently, independently and sustainably as a way of giving them limitless opportunities for a better life. We utilize the services of qualified/professional trainers in tailoring, hairdressing and entrepreneurship to implement these activities, where each beneficiary receives 6 months of training and 2 months of apprenticeship so as to ensure each gets adequate tutelage that can be relied upon to deliver quality services in line with modern best practice and the demands of the global job market.
Skilling and Vocational Training for Women and Girls
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